Wednesday, September 2, 2015

The Business of English - Episode 2: Why don't you join us?

Watch the video and answer the following questions:

a- What invitation does Sam make?
b- Do Victor and his associate accept it?
c- What does Sam suggest Walter?
d- Where will they meet?
e- Who are having dinner together?
f- Why does Lin ask Sam to wait?

 Watch the video again and fill in the gaps

VICTOR: Well, it's been good ………………………….. you Sam, and very interesting to hear about your business.
SAM: Look, we are having a small dinner for some of our clients and friends after this. Why …………………………… join us?
VICTOR: That's very ………………………………. of you. I'll just check with my associate whether they have other ……………………………………….. for us.
SAM: Your associate is most welcome to ………………………….. us too.
VICTOR: Thank you - excuse me.
WALTER: ………………………… is Sam Eriks from Eriks imports. He has very kindly invited us to a dinner.
SAM: Yes, ……………………………………….. you like to join us?
WALTER: …………………………………….. I have another engagement, but thank you for ……………………………………………….
SAM: Well, perhaps you …………………………… join us after that for a drink?
WALTER: Sounds great. I'd be happy to. Where ……………………….. we meet?
SAM: How …………………….. the lounge bar here. At about ten?
WALTER: I'll see you then. Excuse me…
SAM: Lin. Victor's joining us for dinner.
LIN: Oh wonderful.
VICTOR: I hope you don't …………………………………...
LIN: Of course not, you're most welcome.
SAM: Well, ……………………………. we make a move?
LIN: Would you ………………………………. if I just say goodbye to a few people?
SAM: No problem - we'll see you outside in a few minutes.
LIN: Okay.

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